Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Zoologischen Sammlung Rostock e. V.
The non-profit organisation was founded in 2008 with the aim of promoting the university's zoological collection. This includes recording and maintaining the collection material, organising exhibitions, modernising the public collection, publishing information material and receiving and maintaining donations and bequests.
Please leave your private collections to us. They will be cared for and used for at least the next 250 years. Monetary donations are also always very welcome. An overarching function is to increase and disseminate knowledge about animals worldwide.
Become a member!
Contact: Dr. Helmut Winkler (helmut.winkler(at) Donations: OSPA Rostock, BIC: NOLADE21ROS, IBAN: DE52 1305 0000 0200 0817 05